Bakkers | Hommen


Shoppingcenter De Esch in Rotterdam. Complete new construction of the shopping center with an additional ground-up development.

Rijnwaterstraat, Rotterdam


Location :

Current :

Potential Volume : 

Target : 

Energy label :

Rijnwaterstraat, Rotterdam

Shopping center (supermarket, pharmacy, cafeteria, lunchroom and hairdresser)

Approx. 40.000 sqm GFA 

New shopping center with 120 apartments

Label A++++

Conversion of the current shopping center into a complete new zoning with additional substantial residential apartments. The Rijnwaterstraat is a part of the Kralingen-Crooswijk district in the municipality of Rotterdam.

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Technical Developer

marnix nies

Samen een beter project realiseren door alle disciplines in hun kracht te zetten.